how to send popup notification in website

In today’s digital world, it’s really important to engage with people who visit your website and keep them updated. One smart way to do this is by using popup notifications on your website. These are those small messages that pop up on your screen and share important stuff. So, let’s dive into this article that’ll tell you all about how to use, a free and easy-to-use tool, to add these cool popup notifications to your website.

1. Introduction

Popup notifications are like little notes that appear on your website to catch your visitors’ attention. They’re awesome for telling people about exciting stuff or important news.

2. Why Popup Notifications Matter

With so much stuff on the internet, it’s easy for important messages to get lost. Popup notifications cut through the noise and make sure your visitors see the good stuff you’re sharing.

3. Let’s Get Started with

Using is a breeze. First, sign up for a free account and you’ll find a dashboard that’s easy to understand.

4. Add Your Website

Click on “Create New Campaign ” and add a campaign name and your domain name

create a new campaign

5. Add The javascript code to your website head

Now you get a javascript code You have to add this code to your website head

install code

5. Making Your First Popup Notification

Click on “Create New Notification” and pick the kind of message you want. You can choose from regular messages, images, or even countdown timers for urgent things.

create a notification

6. Making Your Notification Look Awesome

Personalize your notification with colours, fonts, and animations that match your website’s look. A cool-looking notification grabs attention better.

7. Showing Messages to Specific People lets you show your notifications to certain groups of people. You can make messages that fit what a group is interested in, where they’re from, or how they found your site.

8. Trying Out Different Notifications

Test out different styles of notifications to see which ones your visitors like best. Experimenting helps you make your notifications even better.

9. Keeping an Eye on Performance

Keep track of how many people click on your notifications, how many take action, and how many leave without doing anything. This helps you figure out what’s working and what’s not.

10. The Best Ways to Make Popup Notifications Work

  • Give Something Valuable: Make sure your notifications have stuff that people actually want to know.
  • Know What You Want: Have a clear goal for each notification so you know what you’re trying to achieve.
  • Don’t Overdo It: Too many notifications can annoy people, so find a balance.
  • Phone-Friendly: Make sure your notifications look good on phones and tablets too.

11. Dealing with Common Problems

Popup notifications are great, but they can bug people if not used well. To avoid issues:

  • Think About Users: Create notifications that make the experience better for your visitors.
  • Let People Opt-Out: Give visitors a way to say no to notifications.
  • Use Data Wisely: Look at the numbers to see what’s working and what’s not, so you don’t annoy your visitors.

12. Wrapping Up

Adding popup notifications to your website with is a fantastic way to connect with your visitors and share important info. It makes your site more interactive and user-friendly.

What’s is a tool that helps you put popup notifications on your website without any cost.

Can I really use for free?

Yes, you can use for free and get started with basic features.

Can I choose when the popup notifications appear?

Absolutely, you can decide when and how often the popup notifications show up.

Will the popup messages work well on phones too?

Yes, the popup messages made with are designed to look good on all sorts of devices.

How can I tell if my popup notifications are working?

You can keep track of numbers like how many people click on the notifications or take action. This helps you know if your notifications are effective.

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